Tuesday, December 7, 2010

feel good.

I woke up this morning with the intent of continuing something I stopped doing when school started back up; early morning workouts. Thank goodness for Jillian Michaels and her Biggest Loser team for creating the Last Chance Workout DVD. The span of the DVD is supposed to last five to six weeks. Since I have approximately five weeks until class starts up again for the Winter 2011 semester, I'm planning on completing the DVD cycle. This isn't to lose weight or anything, it's just to be extra healthy with the Holiday's fast approaching. 

Don't get me wrong, I am so excited for Holiday food. But, in preparation for the delicious fried fish, home-made cannelloni, lamb, turkey, and every dessert under the sun, I am going to get my workout on with a little bit more exercise and cautious eating! 

Today for lunch I made the yummiest hot salad. I had some cabbage, mixed veggies, and some left over baked sweat potato and put them all together. So good and so healthy!

As for now, I'm going to continue studying. I have exams until the 16th of December and trust me, the time could not go by any slower. But, I think I'm going to listen to Michael Buble as I re-write notes (his voice is delicious and I love singing along to "Haven't Met You Yet").


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