Saturday, March 20, 2010

i can't wait.

I'm seeing Nick tonight after a week of not being able to hang out with him for even a minute. I've forgotten what it feels like to look forward to even a silly date night out at the movie theatre and a coffee shop. Since Nick transferred to my school, I've been lucky enough to see him two or three times a week. Though we don't always go out, it's nice just to see him and study together. However, I'm used to our relationship being a "once a week hangout" deal. Since we both worked like crazy last summer and spent our first year of university at different schools, our "once a week hangout" was something I looked forward to and value. As bad as it sounds, I'm happy we've had this week to ourselves because it has confirmed that our relationship is healthy.

We are just going to see "She's Out of My League" tonight. I'm actually surprised Nick suggested to see this film. I was hoping for "Remember Me" with Robert Pattinson (hehe, my guilty pleasure) but "She's Out of My League" works for me.

Another plus? I rested all day and I feel a lot better than I have all week. I still have a tickle in my throat and the odd hot flash, but I'm feeling better. After two echinacea pills, one Advil, two zinc chewables, homemade chicken soup, a chamomile tea, lots of water, and a nice home cooked dinner, I feel somewhat alive.

I can't wait to see Nick tonight. I can't wait to be feeling better again. I am just in a great mood right now. I'm in my happy place.


if life gives you lemons, don't eat them said...

Have fun with Nick! Spend everytime with him like it is your last!

Barry said...

Sweet. It's a great sign that you two can spend so much time apart and still make it work. I say that because many couples in your 'age group' are very clingy and needy. Sounds like there's a lot of maturity in your relationship.

I'm glad you're feeling better.

Tehren Anaiis said...

dont lose the independent aspect of your relationship! its healthy.. i see so many friends now who have no lives outside of what they have with their boyfriend and i find it quite sad!

have a great movie night dolly!