Thursday, December 10, 2009

thank you glee for making me feel a hundred times better.

Now that I am done venting, complaining and all of that. I am going to be studying for my sociology exam on Saturday morning. I am in a much better mood this morning than I was last night thanks to the most amazing episode of Glee that I have ever seen in my life. :)

Do you ever feel like you actually attract negative energy? Everytime I call my mom with something wrong on my end, she gets a phone call about something even worse. Freaky because I can always sense that something bad is going to happen. It's funny and creepy because the jewellery I wear everyday is my heads up.

I wear a necklace and a bracelet from deceased family members that tend to fall off or loosen whenever something bad happens. I guess it's a simultaneous experience, where you sense or feel that something bad happened in the exact moment that the bad thing happens, but it actually happens to me so frequently. Two days ago, my bracelet fell off and I was basically thinking, arlight then, let's see what happens now and voila, my dad's uncle passes away. It makes me feel happy, though, that I have family members who I love and miss very much looking out for me in everything I do and sort of forewarn me about life in general.

My mom is ten times worse than me though. She always have dreams that contain symbols of death and then someone dies shortly after she has the dream. Two nights ago, she had a dream that she was brushing her teeth. Normally, when one has a dream about teeth, it means that someone they know is going to die. Freakay.

Anyways, I am off to go wash my face and brush my teeth and change into track pants and study for a while. I am feeling pretty confident about my exam so far. Everything is understandable, I just have to memorize all the fine details. Wish me luck because as of yesterday, I really don't need no education. 

Kidding, I love school.

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