Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I am so proud of myself. I just e-mailed Toronto's Flare Magazine and a peer about my future because I am seriously out of answers. I love journalism. I want to write. It is my dream. However, I also want to help people or find a way to help people while being a journalist. The problem: I don't know how to get there after I finish school. It would be fantastic if I could graduate Guelph-Humber with a stellar job lined up but life isn't that easy.

Making others aware of issues that help those less fortunate through writing would probably be the best job description for me. Whether it's for a huuuge periodical in Toronto or a small, local, non-profit organization I'm in for the ride. I've never been one to care for the money, I just want to love what I do, so I hope I've made the right choices so far (money is nice, though).

Though it may sound uber lame, I want to make a difference somehow! I want to uncover the mystery to every covered nook. I want to spread a positive attitude everywhere I go. How the heck am I going to do this? Well, I'll keep my blog for one (I'll never give you up little baby) and start persistently e-mailing more experienced individuals in my aspired field of work. Sound good?

Oh, and in the process, I might have a few mental breakdowns here and there just because. It's okay though, everything will work out for the best :)

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