Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Somehow in the midst of a crazy work, school, and life schedule I've found peace. I woke up this morning with a smile on my face (perhaps because it's a snow day and my campus has been closed, but regardless...). I did yoga, ate a really good breakfast (organic flax plus oatmeal + chopped up banana and a yogurt), and am about to get today started.

I have a mental agenda going on. I'm going to do some readings for next week and start my first draft of my magazine service piece. I'm writing an article about how not to act on the TTC (Toronto Transit Commission). If you have anything you'd like to complain about (nasty/awkward behaviour) or something you'd like to compliment the TTC for, please fill out this survey.

Instead of continuing to shamelessly self-promote my day and my article, I'm actually going to get started on those readings!

Enjoy your days.


Brooke said...

This is a wonderful blog! Follow/check out mine? I'm glad today is peaceful for you! Mine is anything BUT peaceful, haha.

Hanna Holliday said...

Hey, just refound you! Hope to hear more from you!

x miri