Monday, March 30, 2009

i can't work more than 12 hours a week. that's $0.00 to $114.00 a week. haha.

Alright, you've probably all seen the advertisement on Facebook for Summer Company in Ontario. If not, it's an ad selling the government of Ontario's $3000.o0 grant for students willing to create a new business/propose a new business idea.

I applied.

In the survey to find out if I was eligible, I was asked a few questions including one that asked if I was working more than 12 hours a week during the summer. Well, if I had said "no" I would have been lying.

I'm not elegibile for the grant because I could potentially be making $114.00 a week. What is $114.00/week going to do for me?

Yes, $114.00 is a lot better than nothing, but I'm not elegible for this grant because I will be working. 

Are people not permitted to have more than one job/career? Apparently.

This may not mean much, it just bugs me.

I'm not one for big bucks. I never have been and never will be someone that focuses entirely on money. I understand that I have to work for my money, and I appreciate working. But, how can someone be rejected from a possible $3000.00 grant because they have a part time job?

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